
Botulinum Toxin is injected into 7 particular spots in the head and neck using very fine needles. To complete the injection pattern, there will be 31 spots around the head where Anti-wrinkle injections injection is to be administered over a 5 to 10 minute treatment.
Though the mechanism on how Botulinum Toxin really works is not yet defined, it is believed that the toxin thwarts certain chemicals from getting into the nerve, thus preventing migraine attacks.

Risks & Complications

These are rare and often only temporary, however, they may include:

  • Bruising of the area where the toxin was injected
  • Swelling
  • Headache or the feeling of having flu
  • Dizziness
  • Neck pain
  • Allergic reactions (itchy welts or rashes)

And if the injections were not administered correctly, the chemical may spread into the adjoining tissues and may cause the following:

  • Crooked smile
  • Drooping of the eyelids
  • Uneven eyebrows
  • Excessive tearing or dry eye
  • Weakening of the muscles all over the body
  • Difficulty in speaking
  • Swallowing problems that may last for a couple of months
  • Vision problems
  • Uncontrolled bladder
  • Difficulty in breathing
Q. Is Botulinum Toxin for migraine safe for pregnant women?

A. It is not safe for breast feeding and pregnant women.

Q. How often do I need to undergo Botulinum Toxin treatment?

A. Injections are administered every three months until further advice by your doctor.

Q. Is the Botulinum Toxin for migraine a safe procedure?

A. As with any procedure, ensure you are consulting with a qualified practitioner. It is usually safe as long as it is done carefully and correctly or else it may cause life threatening side effects.