Organic Breast Implants – Fat Transfer to the breasts


The first step in the harvesting of fat from the body is liposuction. Doctors use the latest technology to gently and safely take fat from areas like the hips or buttocks without creating dimples or permanently loose skin. The doctor can sculpt the area to appear slimmer and smoother. After this step is completed, the fat transfer can begin.

During fat transfers, a cannula is used to deposit small amounts of fatty tissue into multiple areas of the breast (micrografts). The fat is delivered below and into the pectoral muscle, as well as in the breast tissue itself. Cysts or lumps are uncommon with newer techniques of micrografting; tiny amounts of fat are delivered in multiple planes of the breast so there is no clumping of large amounts of fat in any one area. The idea is these micrografts are spread evenly throughout the breast, so each graft is surrounded by adequate blood supply to survive.

New techniques ensure that the fatty tissue develops a blood supply to ensure long-term survival. The increased survival rate of harvested fatty tissue means that the body will reabsorb less fat. If the majority of the cells injected are dead, the body will remove them and the ‘implant’ will not last.

After the procedure, you will be prescribed antibiotics to prevent infection. The healing time is only a week or two. Because there are no incisions made, there are no scars.

Q. I’ve heard that fat transfers can cause cancer. Is this true?

A. There is no evidence to support the theory that fat transfers cause cancer. However, the long-term effects of fat transfer have not been studied. While it is very unlikely that the transfer would cause cancer in the long run, the possibility cannot be ruled out until the long-term effects can be properly evaluated. Because this technology is relatively new, this will take a few decades.

Q. Will my breasts have dimples after a fat transfer?

A. Your breasts should not have dimpling after the procedure. Dimpling is caused when the body reabsorbs dead fat cells. If your doctor has 90%+ rate of living cells, dimpling should be minimal to none.

Q. Can any doctor perform a fat transfer?

A. You should check with an appropriately registered and qualified plastic surgeon to find out. However, when choosing your surgeon, you should look for experience in plastic and cosmetic surgery. They may also have patient references or testimonials as well as before and after pictures of previous patients.

Q. Is fat transfer painful?

A. Fat transfer is mostly performed under general anaesthetic. You will be asked to rest for a week to reduce inflammation and swelling. If needed you will be given prescription pain relievers, but some patients don’t require anything more than over the counter medication to control soreness in the harvest and breast areas. It is much less painful then a traditional breast augmentation.

Dr Gavin Sandercoe on Fat Grafting

Dr. Allan Kalus on Fat Transfer to the Breast