Earlobe Repairs on the Rise – with Dr Graham Sellars

Former Australian Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS) President Tony Kane recently revealed in an interview that earlobe repairs were one of the fastest growing surgeries across Australia. Many men and women are choosing this easy to fix repair. Most repairs are completed because of a stretching or tearing of an initial piercing. However, some seek repairs after purposeful stretching, or gauging, of the ears in order to join the armed forces or just because they no longer want a large opening.

Why is the repair becoming more common?

Earlobes, unlike other parts of the body, contain only fat and no cartilage or muscle. As such, they are very easy to tear or rip, even from a small opening. Wearing larger earrings, having earrings pulled by children, or catching them on clothing can stretch and sometimes tear the earlobe. With the increasing trend of ear gauges, patients who no longer want or have need of, the gauged earlobe are also seeking repair.

Dr Graham Sellars
Dr Graham Sellars
From one president to another

Why not let another former president perform one for you? Dr Graham Sellars is FRACS certified, the former president of the ASPS NSW Chapter, and is a specialist for earlobe repair; he offers a quick and easy repair.

A Quick Fix

Dr Sellars performs the procedure in about an hour under local anaesthetic either as an office procedure or day surgery. The procedure involves cutting away the skin inside the tear or hole, removing any excess tissue, and suturing the earlobe back together with absorbable sutures to either maintain a small opening or completely remove the hole. Depending on the extent of the tear or the size of the hole, small flaps of the skin may be used or removed to provide a natural looking earlobe.

Feeling W(hole) Again

Sorry, last pun I swear. After the procedure, Dr Sellars recommends not wearing any earrings for up to six weeks. Often, stud earrings must be worn for about two months before other types can be used. If you have a tear or need to remove a hole, or have any other ear or earlobe issues, call or visit Dr Sellars today.