
The Doublo Lift procedure usually lasts for approximately one hour, without the need for sedation or general anaesthesia. Post-operatively, no special care is required and the patient can mostly resume their regular daily routine straight away.

The Doublo Lift is ultrasound technology at its best. It has a probe that safely generates ultrasound when in contact with the skin surface with dual ultrasonic action. The ultrasound has 2 components: a visual component with a screen that allows the practitioner to see below the skin, and a treatment component delivering high intensity ultrasound waves to the precise target level.

Overall the patient feedback is extremely positive. Older, non-Doublo technology has been associated with significant discomfort during the procedure requiring pain relief and sedation. Most patients rate the Doublo experience very favourably when compared to a non-Doublo alternative.

Typically, the final results begin to become noticeable after two to three months, and last for well over a year.

Risks & Complications

The Doublo procedure is safe and rarely associated with any significant side effects. However a few reported side-effects include:

  • Skin redness just after the treatment (typically lasting for a few hours post-procedure).
  • Mild bruising and swelling may appear for several days’ post-procedure.
  • The skin may feel slightly numb for a limited time (days to weeks).
  • A tingling sensation may be experienced for a few days.
Q. What is the recovery time after the Doublo Lift?

A. Virtually none. Post-operatively, no special care is required and the patient can mostly resume their regular daily routine straight away.

Q. Is Doublo Lift safe?

A. Yes. The Doublo Lift has recently become available in Australia, and is the first Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approved device for cosmetic high-intensity-focused-ultrasound (HIFU) treatment.

Q. Does the Doublo Lift hurt?

A. While most treatment sessions are trouble-free, some patients may experience temporary discomfort, numbness and sensitivity during and for a limited time after the procedure.

Q. How long do results last?

A. Typically, the final results begin to become noticeable after two to three months, and last for well over a year.