Female Genital Surgery (Labiaplasty, Vaginoplasty, Hymenoplasty, Clitoropexy)


There are two ways of completing this surgery. Firstly the surgeon can reduce the side of the labia by trimming along the edges of the labia along the inside. The second way is to cut a ‘V’ shaped bit of tissue from the underneath of the labia. The edges of the V shape can be sutured together which helps to reduce the prominence of the labia. As the incision is made on the inside, this means that there will be no visible sign from the outside that you have under gone any surgery at all. As the labia have such a high blood flow, surgeons sometimes use a laser instead of a scalpel as this reduces the bleeding.

This procedure is carried out by joining the sagging skin found at the back of the vagina this is done by using dissolvable stitches. The next step is to tighten the surrounding soft tissue. As the vaginal cavity has decreased in size, this creates more friction during sexual penetration.

Hymenoplasty is a very short surgical procedure, which can be completed via local anesthetic, meaning that you can go home a short while after having the surgery. The techniques used for a hymenoplasty depends on how much membranous tissue is left to repair. The simplest technique is piecing together the remnants of the hymen, closing together the tear and using dissolvable stitches to prevent pain and having the stitches removed. This kind of surgery has not been designed to last very long so this must be thought of prior to having the surgery. In addition there is little blood supply in that area so healing is not fast. In some cases the hymen does not heal at all so make sure you know all the complications and risks prior to having the surgery.

Risks & Complications

Generally, modern day surgery is considered safe.

As with all procedures there are a number of risks and complications associated with having surgery under general anesthetic. These risks will be discussed with you at your consultation as well as just before you go down to surgery. Approximately one-third of patients who receive an anaesthetic during surgery will experience “anaesthesia sickness” or post-operative nausea and vomiting (POVN).

The risks and complications associated with the female genital surgery itself can include; infection, this is one of the most common complications as the vagina holds a lot of bacteria.

Bleeding is another complication, which is quite common too as there is such a high blood supply to the area. Due to the moist area within the vagina, making it a difficult place to heal. This can result in movement of the scar and can even lead to the stitches splitting causing wound separation. This means that the wound would have to be re stitched.

Q. How soon after having female genital surgery can I resume regular intercourse?

A. Surgeons usually suggest waiting for 6 to 8 weeks before resuming regular intercourse. However people heal differently so usually you will know when you are ready.

Q. Which is better, the surgeon using a scalpel or a laser?

A. The answer to this question has to be the laser, as there is such a high blood supply in that area, that you can cause bleeding. Having a laser is great as you can cauterize the blood vessels to help stem the bleeding to that area.

Q. Can I have surgery on my vagina if I have my period?

A. Unfortunately, you cannot have surgery on your genital region if you are on your menstrual period. This should be considered when booking your procedure.