Renee’s Tuberous Breasts Patient Story

Renee's Story - Tuberous Breasts

[quote]”I work as a nurse in an operating theatre and see breast enhancement procedures every day”[/quote]

Renee is 26 years old and works as a nurse in an operating theatre. She had what is commonly referred to as ‘snoopy breasts’. Snoopy breasts are tuberous breasts that form in a downward tuber shape. As the breasts develop during puberty the breast tissue is forced outward and downward in the shape of a tuber or as some say the shape of Snoopy’s nose (the cartoon character), hence the nickname ‘snoopy breasts’.

Renee had size 14A breasts due to what she says was a lot of weight lifting in her younger years. She had breast enhancement surgery 3 years ago when she was 23 years old. “I had my initial surgery when I was 23 and chose the wrong implants. I was adamant about teardrop shaped 410 cc even though the surgeon informed me against them” Renee explains. “My second surgery was last year when I was 26 to get larger 560cc round implants, placed lower to fill out my tubular breasts and the third was yet another scar revision.”

Tuberous Breasts

[quote]”Every surgeon is different. Find out about your follow up care and their policy on re-operating and costs”[/quote]

She now has size 12DD breasts and decided on this size through discussion, research and bags of sand in bras. Renee had a high profile implant (meaning projection off the chest wall) to fill out sagging skin.

The initial surgery cost her $11,000 and Medicare covered her second and third surgery due to scarring. Renee unfortunately incurred keloid scarring and ‘double bubble’ where the breast gland falls over the implant, as the implants were placed too high.

She found both her surgeons via the internet and word of mouth. “I was happy with both of my surgeons but had a very good experience with Dr Vlad Milovic, a Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon in Canberra. I would definitely recommend him. His expertise in reconstructive breast surgery was definitely in my favour” says Renee.

The breast enhancement procedure gave Renee a newfound confidence and appearance of proportion. When asked if she would do it again she said: “Yes! Without complications of scarring I would. Sometimes my scars disappoint me. However, it’s a small price to pay”.

Her recovery took 2 weeks of rest with a little walking and after 6 weeks she could begin her cardio exercise and weights again.

[quote]”Future operations will be necessary even though most implants now have a lifetime warranty”[/quote]

Renee’s word of advice for anyone looking to undergo breast enhancement is “Make sure you attend 2-3 consultations with different surgeons and go with the one you feel most comfortable with. It’s worth the extra money. Research a lot. Ask lots of questions. And it is very important to massage the breast!”

Renee also informed that those with ‘snoopy breasts’ looking to undergo breast enhancement that planning and discussion are highly important as ‘snoopy breasts’ sometimes have to be lifted. “I luckily got away without any surgical lift and had my skin filled with implant” says Renee.