What are the risks of Brachioplasty, Arm Lift or Thigh Lift?

Risks Brachioplasty Arm Lift Thigh Lift

Dr Matthew Peters, Specialist Plastic Surgeon from Valley Plastic Surgery in Brisbane, QLD talks about the additional risks procedures such as brachioplasty and thigh lifts and the importance of your plastic surgeon knowing their anatomy. Brachioplasty comes with additional risk in the way of nerve damage that could affect arm and hand function, and thigh lifts involve work being done near the lymphatic drainage system in the body which if interrupted could lead to a lifelong condition called lymphoma.

Brachioplasty patient of Dr Matthew Peters

Many patients dread the recovery of both the brachioplasty and thigh lift, however Dr Peters says with the right surgeon you can be up and about the following day. “All of my patients get up the next day to mobilise with the physiotherapist. It’s not like they’re running marathons, but they’re actually able to do quite a lot.”

This podcast highlights the importance of choosing a fully qualified and suitably experienced plastic surgeon to perform any plastic surgery procedure. Any patient considering any type of plastic surgery should listen to this podcast.

For more information on Dr Peters or any of the other highly qualified plastic surgeons at Valley Plastic Surgery you can visit their website.

Risks Brachioplasty Arm Lift Thigh Lift
Back Lift Patient of Dr Matthew Peters
Risks Brachioplasty Arm Lift Thigh Lift
Thigh Lift and Tummy Tuck Patient of Dr Matthew Peters

Further Reading About Brachioplasty Results